I am a firm believer in continual education; hands on training with dogs, through classes and conferences and learning from others are all key components to being a great dog trainer. Below is a brief overview of my quantifiable education in dog training. I have been learning and doing hands on training with dogs for almost 20 years. I have specialized in virtual training and instruction for the more then 7 years. Because continuing education is so important to me I will make an effort to keep this list up to date but will likely only update it twice a year so I can focus on the education itself and helping people with their dogs. It was last updated in 2023.
300 hour Internship with Willow Service Dogs Inc. completed in 2020 (https://www.willowceliacallergenservicedogs.com/)
Fenzi Dog Sports Training Certificate - Foundations
Control Unleashed Certified Instructor
Certified Family Dog Mediator
Ian Dunbar DVM SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy
Evaluator Status
AKC CGC and Trick Dog Evaluator
O.D.O.R. Service Dog Inc. Obedience and Scent Evaluator
Dog Certificates/ Titles Earned with current Personal Dogs
"Gunther" Gunther odl Dhaquira De Fremery TKI OPAT OGAD
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. Public Access Title
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. Gluten/Allergen Detection Title
Trick Dog Novice
Trick Dog Intermediate
"Freya" Faisca Lieke V.H. Molengat TKA OPPT TEAM1 CCC1 OGAD
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. Home and Obedience Manners Title
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. Pre Public Access Title
Trick Dog Novice
Trick Dog Intermediate
Trick Dog Advanced
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. Gluten/Allergen Detection Title
Fenzi Dog Sports Academy TEAM1
Fenzi Dog Sports Academy CCC1
Fenzi Dog Sports Academy Classes
FE440: Shaping Games - Clean Mechanics and Keen Observations Instructor: Julie Daniels
FF280: Empowerment Instructor: Julie Daniels
OB200: Precision Heeling Instructor: Denise Fenzi
FE115: Baby Genius Instructor: Julie Daniels
FE130: Toys - Developing Cooperation and Play Instructor: Shade Whitesel
FE355: Rock-Solid Stays for Competition & Real Life Instructor: Nicole Wiebusch
FE425: Teenage Tyrants: Surviving Your Dog's Adolescence Instructor: Sarah Stremming
FE440: Shaping Games - Clean Mechanics and Keen Observations Instructor: Julie Daniels
FF280: Empowerment Instructor: Julie Daniels
NW101: Introduction to Nosework Instructor: Julie Symons, Stacy Barnett, Melissa Chandler
OB370: Reliable Retrieves Instructor: Sara Brueske
RA540: Joy of Heeling - Rock it like a Freestyler! Instructor: Julie Flanery
FE135: Shaping Demystified Instructor: Sarah Stremming
FE205: Focus Games Instructor: Deborah Jones and Judy Keller
FF230: Tricks with a Purpose Instructor: Sara Brueske​
FE335: Spaces In Between Instructor: Shade Whitesel
FE585: Modifier Cues Instructor Heather Lawson
OB135: TEAM2 Instructor Heather Lawson
OB120: TEAM Sports Foundation - Level 3 Instructor: Laura Waudby
OB320: Obedience Starter Games Instructor: Julie Symons
OB390: Picture Perfect Positions for Obedience, Rally, and More! Instructor: Nocole Wiebusch
OB590: Stand With Me: Instructor Laura Waudby
April 4, 2019 Denise Fenzi- Loose Leash Walking (Circle Method)
May 30, 2019 Nancy Tucker- Separation Anxiety: A Crash Course
January 9, 2020 Julie Daniels- Train This Now! The Short List for Your New Puppy
March 26, 2020 Deborah Jones- Keep Calm and Be Zen
August 27, 2020 Sara Brueske- Fast and Furious Whistle Recalls
August 30, 2021 Deborah Jones - Pick it Up & Put it Here! Teaching Your Dog to Pick Up and Deliver All Sorts of Objects​
March 21, 2021 Helene Lawler - Stop! Drop! and... STAY! Reliable distance downs for herding
The Lemonade Conference 2020
Nancy Tucker- Treating Separation Anxiety
Sue Yanoff DVM- Pain Assessment and Management: What Owners and Trainers should know
Mara Velez- Facilitating Safe and “Healthy” Dog Play in Shelters
Jennifer Summerfield, DVM Intro to Behavior Medications: What are they and how can they help
Dr. Kristina Spaulding- Stress in Dogs
Chrissi Schranz- “Come” The Art of Science and Recall Training
Jessica Hekman, DVM PhD- Anxiety: The Whole Story
Ken Ramirez- Concept Training: An Introduction & Overview
Katenna Jones- Using Virtual Consults to Maintain Income and Client Progress Amid Covid-19
Dr. Susan Friedman, PhD- Ideas that should die: Outdated, Outmoded and Misunderstood Behavioral Science
Shade Whitesel: Location and Arousal Specific Marker Cues
Dr. Christopher Pachel- Navigating Difficult Coversations: Client Communication With Compassion Efficacy
Helen-Marie Lawler- Success with Sensitive Dogs
Denise Fenzi- Is Positive Permissive? A Positive Parent’s Guide to Raising and Training dogs and puppies
Jim Crosby- Dog Bite Interpretation- Evidence and Behavior
Leslie McDevitt- Making Patterns Out of Lemons: Using the Control Unleased Pattern Games
Michele Pouliot- Advanced Platform Training- Beyond the Basics
Michael Shikashio- Modifying Resource Guarding Behavior- Just Pee on Your Dog’s Toys
Amy Cook, PhD: The Play Way: Therapeutic Help for Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Dr. Valarie Tynes- The Science of Semiochemicals
Sara Brueske- Tricks with a Purpose
Megan Foster- Loopy Agility Training
Peta Clarke- Antecedents: Our Secret Weapons
Steve Dale- Enrichment for Geriatric Dogs and Cats: Discovering the Fountain of Youth
Kamal Fernandez- Less is More- Reducing Reinforcement for Dog Sports!
Dr. Lore Haug- Classical Conditioning
Kathy Sdao- But My Dogs not Food Motivated
Nancy Tucker- Desensitization and Counterconditioning
Suzanne Clothier- Anatomy of Attention: When VAN ran over DAN and other distracting tales
Chrissi Schranz- “Come” The Art and Science of Recall Training
Dr. Kristina Spaulding- Impulsivity and Hyperactivity
Bob Bailey, Sc. D- Training Principles and Practices
Deb Jones, PhD- Zen and the Art of Impulse Control
Dr. Elinor Karlsson- Canine Genetics: What is this Mutt? The Answer May Surprise you.
Jim Crosby- Working with Local Authorities on Bite Investigation Cases
Jessica Hekman DVM, PhD- Anxiety: The Whole Story
Dr. Christopher Pachel- Feline Behavior Modification for Dog Trainers
Helene-Marie Lawler- Success with Sensitive Dogs
Katenna Jones- Stressed Out Shelter Cats-Keeping them calm, happy and enriched.
Chelsey Protulipac- Building Endurance
Ruth LaRocque- 4 Steps to a Training and Behavior Modification Plan
Peta Clarke- Seeking Therapy? What Makes a Nose Work Class Therapeutic and Why
Amy Cook, PhD- The Play Way: Therapeutic Help for Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Hannah Branigan- Close the Loop: Training for Optimal Reinforcement
Tom Candy- A Practicial Guide to Dealing with Frustration
Dr. Lore Haug- Humane Use of Negative Reinforcement in the Real World
Julie Daniels: Train this FIRST! The Short List for your New Puppy
Lisa Clifton-Bumpass- Shaping the Future: Constructional Training Plan Design
Gail Fisher- Nature vs Nurture: The Chicken-Egg Conundrum
Andrea Harrison- You are Not a Fraud! The Reality of Imposter Syndrome and What you can do about it.
Bod Bailey, Sc. D.- History and Applications of Operant Conditioning
Erica Feuerbacher- The Science of Separation- Related Problem Behavior: Research and Treatment
Julie Flanery- Joy of Heeling- Coloring Outside the Lines
Dr. Kristina Spaulding- Impulsivity and Hyperactivity
Leslie McDevitt- Making Patterns Out of Lemons: Using the Control Unleashed Pattern games
Petra Ford- From Freaked Out to Fabulous! Mental Preparation for Competitive Dog Sports
Nicole Wiebusch- Broken Stay? Here is How to Fix it!
Sarah Stremming- Happy Crating- Crating as a life Skill
Stacy Barnett- Using the Deep Accessible Hide to Build Environmental Resiliency
Lore Stevens- Fitness & Movement Behaviors for Life & Sports
The International Dog Trainers Winter Summit 2020
The Lemonade Conference 2021
Hair of the Dog Conference 2021

License/ Certification
While a license or certification is not required in the United States of America, they are required in Germany and as such I have gone through the rigorous steps needed to earn my license to train dogs in Germany. In order to earn this license you must be able to demonstrate personal knowledge regarding the understanding of the science of dog training, basic animal husbandry, the strict laws here in Germany that prevent the use of certain aversive tools, a wide variety of positive methods that can be used to teach different dogs and their handlers as well as the practical application of that knowledge.